Friday, April 15, 2011

Happy Happy Birthday to ME!!

It's MY Birthday!! And once again, I am turning 29!!! It's the damndest thing..........HA! So, althought I didn't get really cute monkey cupcakes, I did get a delicious cake from the hubby and the kiddos, My compliments to Mr. Chef (publix!)............... And I wish I had a cute trampoline in the backyard to work off the extra slices I have eaten throughout the day.....................
Now, so far, the Madagascar jumpy house hasn't shown up yet for my party like it did for Charlie's 3rd Birthday party.........I am still hopeful..........As are the kids...........Since, I mean seriously, who can have a Birthday party without one? right???!

And fortunately, the kiddos have joined forces with me on consuming this delicious cake just as they did the cupcakes at Charlie's.........................

My birthday did begin with a fantastic serenade by a kitten and a monkey (via some crazy website the hubby found on his phone), MY monkey's jumping all over me in the bed BEFORE it was light outside..............and then Emme's class busted out the "Happy Birthday Emery's mommy" song which brought tears to my eyes!!

And you can't forget the wonderful friends who have wished me happy birthday all day long!! Can you believe all these people remember my special day EVERY SINGLE YEAR?? (thank you facebook)


And Happy Birthday to ME! And my friend Tripper and Brad and Ms. Sarah...........

1 comment:

Kristin Dabson said...

And you don't look a day over 28. :) Happy birthday, friend!