Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dunwoody MOMs surrounded by Granola........

sounds funny, huh? Well, last night we had a sleepover with one of Emme's best little friends, Audrey..........What did we do, you ask? We went to the Dunwoody Park to watch a fantastic children's music band call MR. GREG . Thanks to our friend, Susan, for the suggestion,we had a wonderful evening. Something different than the usual :)

We had a great picnic, the kids danced and we all learned a little more about being earth friendly and recycling............hence, the large crowd of baby slings, cloth diapers and compote piles........seriously............anywho, we fit right in.........Squeezed between birkenstocks and chardonnay !! Lots of fun.............

Now, what completes a night better than a poop story???? Well, here goes................

I taught my daughter how to "pop a squat".........Yes, that is correct...........And yes, friends, it's really me typing this........Now, why did I teach her that? Well, she is a total rule follower. And desperate times call for desperate measures........for example, airport park, bathrooms are locked. And she's got to go.........well, what is a mom to do? this mom "pops a squat".....ok, I didn't but she did! and there it started......with the rule, ONLY IF THERE IS NOT A POTTY AROUND.......

So, we have completely left the safety of the wooded nature center and are now smack dab in the middle of a parking lot with tons of softball games going on..........and I hear "mommy, I have to go potty." I quickly look around for any tree, small bush or car door............Seeing nothing, I ask "do you need to go pee pee or poopy".............."pee pee" ok, sweetie, let's pop a I grab one single wipe and right in front of my car, we "pop"..........and then surprise, she poops.....

Yep, she poops!

I yell for the hubby, he grabs more wipes and the clean up begins....................well, it beats princess panties or car seats, right??


Angie Callaway said...

love the poop story! too funny!

Julie, the mama said...

And they wonder why I'm resisting potty training!

Cute story. Cute pictures!

Alan said...

We love Mr. Greg! My oldest son took his music class for three years at his old school. We were planning on going to the show on Saturday night but something else came up. Sounds like a good time though!

"Saving the world one day at a time"