Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A phone call you never want to get.........................

I was five minutes from our Daycare yesterday and my phone rings. If the time had been earlier in the day, you get the "oh no" feeling, afraid the call is reporting a FEVER or another ailment sure to cause 24hours of staying home!!!

But seeing Oxford's number didn't sound off any of my alarms, so I answered with a friendly "HI." On the other end, was the Director and Owner of our Daycare making a strained attempt at a calm yet informative call.



"Everything is fine."

"Are you on your way to pick up?"


"Well, the EMT and Firetruck are here with an Ambulance on the way, He's fine, he's just fallen and hit his head and there is a concern he may have had a seizure."

Numbing hysteria takes over my body. And I endured the longest 5 minutes of my life.

As I turn the corner onto their street, I see the school lit up with emergency vehicles and the road blocked. A feeling I don't think I can even put into words.......A sight, I will never forget.

I whip into the church lot across the street and just run......Not having any idea what is awaiting me just inside the door. I am greeted with FAMILY that just yesterday, were teachers and administrators, but today, are FAMILY. It was a controlled chaos for them but for me, all I can see are several emergency workers hovered over my baby. My knees buckle but I am quickly swept up by someone I can only describe as my Angel. My other Mom. Cindy quickly grabs me and gets me so he can see me........Although pale and very confused, he recognizes me and then does what I hope he will always do..........Reach for me.

I sweep him up and sit on a bench that I am sure GOD himself put there........My baby was pale and a little green in hue, and very confused by everthing. I am holding him and trying to listen to everyone, figure out what happened, get the low down on his vitals, not retain any information at all but watched through glossed over eyes the most amazing people do their job.

Over 4 years ago, the hubby and I walked into Oxford and new it was the place we wanted our children. Not once since April 2006 did I question that decision. I certainly didn't need an emergency to add to my confidence.

Yesterday, I watched people that love me and my babies DO THEIR JOB. They stayed calm, so I didn't have to. They took charge, so I didn't have to. They filed other children out and to their parents, directed traffic, answered questions, took phone calls, and held me. As I sat and held my baby, smelling his curls, wiping "our" tears, saying my prayers.........Around me, my car was brought over, carseats were removed, friends came in, Ems got a playdate, we got loaded into an Ambulance, they were directed to Childrens Scottish Rite, and the hubby finally made it!!

He got a quick hug and he and Cindy piled in my car and we headed to the hospital.............In the longest ambulance ride I have ever imagined possible. Just so you know, it is NOT like on TV. As I sat in the front seat, where I was told I had to sit, we went every slow way possible, hit every redlight possible and didn't exceed 65miles an hour. ever. It was grueling. My baby screamed for me for 45minutes straight. We do not live 45 minutes from the hospital. Awful.

However, I am thrilled we were in the ambulance. Just so you know, once you can get to the hospital, you get seen immediately if you arrive in an ambulance. There was a whole team waiting on us as we arrived, including 2 grandparents that beat us to the hospital by at least 30minutes waiting very anxiously.

As everyone is asking questions, and I, of course, couldn't even remember my name, fortunately had Cindy there to give all the details of the fall............Oh yeh, the details----Apparently, Big Papa took a spill and hit his head hard on the floor. Miss Rebecca picked him up and he turned blue and passed out...........although just for a short time, you don't mess around with head injuries.

So we finally got him out of the carseat that was strapped to the gurney and off we went to a room. Leaving behind a Grandmother, a CiCi and a G-Daddy very concerned with Big Jimp quickly on the way.

Once back in our room, we were seen pretty quickly.......And although he got a pretty good clean bill of health, a CAT scan was a must........Oh and so were 2 barney movies, Little Mermaid, bubbles and the sweetest nurses you could ever imagine.

And the best was watching his little personality come back and some of the hysteria leaving my body. We knew he was much better as he high fived the nurses and requested some snacks.....not so quietly!!

Time for the CAT scan.......I tell you what, these are professionals. As I laid him down on the table, we look up and NEMO is staring back down at our baby. Not sure about your home, but NEMO is very popular at our house!! So, with paci in mouth, we talked alot about NEMO as he so sweetly let Miss Bethany wrap in him tight straps and ease him into the CAT scan. What a little trooper.....he was perfect!

And he still is!!

All checked out well and we were out by around 9:15.

2 juice boxes and 4 graham crackers later, he was skipping and jumping down the hallway to see his loved ones. And man does he have some loved ones!! 4 smiling (not including mama and daddy) faces greeted him with big hugs and he shared tons of grins, tons of hugs and sweet kisses for all who wanted them.

We are blessed. And although I know it won't be his last fall, I am certainly praying for that to be my last visit to the emergency room. But if it isn't, I know where to go, I know who to bring with me, and I know God is present.

And boy do I have some good people in my life! Today has been filled with many phone calls, plenty of emails and a WELCOME into school today that will warm your heart! A big THANK YOU to Oxford.........Cici & Big Jimp, Ms. Cheryl, Miss Allison, Miss Rebecca, Miss April, Miss Tara, Miss Kelly, Aunt Tiffany & Uncle Steve, Laura, Lori, Betsy, Mommy, Daddy, All emergency people, Scottish Rite staff, heavens I could just keep going and going...........

Thank you to God, the hubby, and for 2 very healthy babies.................even with a little bump on the noggin!!


holly said...

oh my god, kristi! my heart goes out. i'll call you soon.

Angie Callaway said...

Oh kristi, i am so sorry. i was crying as i read your post. how scarey. i am so relieved he is ok. i am thinking of you all. kiss that cutie for me!

Kari said...

glad everything is ok...sounds like a very scary experience.

Carly said...

Oh my gosh, I feel terrible! I had no idea. Im calling you tomorrow for all of the details. I have a feeling a phone call at 11:41 pm is NOT what the dr ordered! I am so relieved that Big Papa is ok; God is good!!!

Tiffany Lockette said...

I am glad Big Papa is ok. Hugs

Christi Morneault said... scarry! But I am ecstatic everything is okay...I can't imagine pulling up seeing all of the emergency vehicles...and not knowing the full details. I am so thankful that God had his arms around you, your family, and especially Big Papa.

Pinot after Playdates said...

so glad he is okay (hope you are recovering okay as well)! Praying for him (and you)...

Kim said...

Wow Kristi, just reading your post. What a scary experience. So glad he is ok and how wonderful it is to have all those loving "angels" around you!