sounds funny, huh? Well, last night we had a sleepover with one of Emme's best little friends, Audrey..........What did we do, you ask? We went to the Dunwoody Park to watch a fantastic children's music band call MR. GREG . Thanks to our friend, Susan, for the suggestion,we had a wonderful evening. Something different than the usual :)
Now, what completes a night better than a poop story???? Well, here goes................
I taught my daughter how to "pop a squat".........Yes, that is correct...........And yes, friends, it's really me typing this........Now, why did I teach her that? Well, she is a total rule follower. And desperate times call for desperate measures........for example, airport park, bathrooms are locked. And she's got to go.........well, what is a mom to do? this mom "pops a squat".....ok, I didn't but she did! and there it started......with the rule, ONLY IF THERE IS NOT A POTTY AROUND.......
So, we have completely left the safety of the wooded nature center and are now smack dab in the middle of a parking lot with tons of softball games going on..........and I hear "mommy, I have to go potty." I quickly look around for any tree, small bush or car door............Seeing nothing, I ask "do you need to go pee pee or poopy".............."pee pee" ok, sweetie, let's pop a I grab one single wipe and right in front of my car, we "pop"..........and then surprise, she poops.....
Yep, she poops!
I yell for the hubby, he grabs more wipes and the clean up begins....................well, it beats princess panties or car seats, right??