#1..........Lose 20 pounds
#3..........actually RSVP for it
#4..........actually mail in my check
#5..........Get a dress
#6..........Get shoes
#7..........Get a tan (preferably by going to Tahiti)
#8..........Hair cut & color
#10........Lose 20 pounds
#12........Win Lottery
#13........Pimp out my Swagger Wagon......
#14........Practice my "Wow, you haven't changed a bit" look
#15........Check David Beckham's calendar (ha, good thing hubby is a close second)
#16........Premier on "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" (is that even on anymore??)
#17........Lose 20 pounds
#19........print adorable photo montage of my beautiful children to show off
#20........Watch and memorize all of Samantha Brown's TLC travel shows and recite to various fellow graduates as if I had actually traveled to them!!!
Guess I better get started..........................Since it's on the 28th of this month.................