Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yin..........and ..............Yang

Audrey and Emme have been friends since they were little.......ok, they are still little, but I mean REALLY little....................and they really play so nice together.............And the parents get along too!!

These girls are hilarious.............One loves all things princess and the other loves all things....well, all things NON princess............ok, maybe not ALL things non princess, but ALOT of things NON pirates and swords and baseball and such!! It's great, the yin to emme's yang!

So, of course, Audrey's 4th birthday party was at a very cool place............with a ZIP line, of all things!! And man, did my princess have fun............................

Now, just as a sidenote, these little yins and yangs went to the spa earlier for mani pedi's!! so, again, it's all about balance!!

Here's the birthday girl!!

HA, who knew she even knew how to ride a scooter!

Ying and Yang getting ready for the zip line....................

And the ball pit cushions the fall.......................

Here's Charlie and Brady laughing hysterically............whish I had gotten the giggles on video!!

Kate's mom, Kristin, is so much fun...............and one of the first ones to join in the craziness!

Great picture of Mimi (amelia)!!

They had stuff to do for all ages............Here's baby WHO having a blast!!

Here's miss sara........who has now decided to call Big Papa, B-Ray...........hilarious!

Audrey B. having some fun!!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, cupcakes!

Birthday Girl and Mom!

Sensations Therafun did this neat board of painted handprints.............Very cool!

I love these girls..............Every............Last.................One................Of.............Them!

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